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[채용공고] A.I.F. 국제물류 무역 사원 모집 (Notice of Recruitment for A.I.F. world distribution & Trade)

  • OIA
  • 2013-11-05
  • 8508

A.I.F 국제물류 무역, 사원 모집

-. 회사명 :  A.I.F. 국제물류 무역

 Since its founding in 1990 in United States, A.I.F. has become an exceptional global logistics company which provides diversified services including freight forwarding and warehousing service with customs clearance at the most essential gateways of world logistics in Germany, Italy, France and Japan. The core values of A.I.F. are found in professionalism, innovation, passion and teamwork. A.I.F. is taking the initiative in fulfilling its core values based on regional expertise, an unrelenting dedication to efficiency, innovation and satisfaction for our customers.

      홈페이지 : http://www.aifcompany.com

-. 모집 대상 :  한국유학 중국유학생 출신 / 영어, 한국어 가능자

-. 모집 부문 :  1)항공 물류 0명 (남/여)   2)해운 물류 0명 (남/여)

-. 전공 분야 :   물류관련 학과 졸업자 우대 (학사/석사)

-. 근무지 :  북경, 상해

-. 대  우 :  1) 면접 시 급여 결정
2) 능력에 따른 다양한 장려금 제공
3) 각종 사회보험 제공


-. 모집기한 : 충원 시까지

-. 문의 및 신청방법 ;

문의 : 02-784-8284, 6 송실장

이력서 제출 : job@korina21.com

참고사이트 : www.korina21.com



Notice of Recruitment for

A.I.F. World distribution & Trade

  -. Name of Company :  A.I.F. World distribution & Trade

Since its founding in 1990 in United States, A.I.F. has become an exceptional global logistics company which provides diversified services including freight forwarding and warehousing service with customs clearance at the most essential gateways of world logistics in Germany, Italy, France and Japan. The core values of A.I.F. are found in professionalism, innovation, passion and teamwork. A.I.F. is taking the initiative in fulfilling its core values based on regional expertise, an unrelenting dedication to efficiency, innovation and satisfaction for our customers.

Homepage : http://www.aifcompany.com


-. Target for employment:  students in Korea, from China / Korean & English proficiency

-. Field of employment: 1)Airline distribution 0, (M/F)  2)Shipping distribution 0, (M/F)

-. Major: Distribution major are previously served


-. Workplace:  Shanghai, Beijing

-. Treatment: 1) Payment : Confirmed in Interview     

2) Various Bonus depended on capability

3) Various Social insurances.

-. Due date ; Untill occupied

-. Inquire & Application submit ;

Inquire : 02-784-8284, 6 Mr. Song

Submit : job@korina21.com

Reference : www.korina21.com