Ajou News

NEW (2015-11-25) Ajou's Department of Cyber Security dedicates a state-of-the-art laboratory

  • 2015-12-01
  • 25996

Ajou's Department of Cyber Security dedicates a state-of-the-art laboratory 


Ajou University's Department of Cyber Security under the College of Information Technology held an opening ceremony for the Cyber Security Multiplex Center. The University expanded the Department of Software Security into the Department of Cyber Security after it was selected by the Ministry of Science, ICT, and Future Planning as a 'University Specialized in Information Protection’ in June.

The opening ceremony, which was held in Paldal Hall on the afternoon of November 24th, was attended by Vice Minister Jae You Choi of the Ministry of Science, ICT, and Future Planning, President Kee Seung Baik of the Korea Internet & Security Agency, and President Chun Shik Park of the Korea Institute of Information Security and Cryptology, and officials from related institutions. CEO Dae Yeon Kim of WINS, CEO Yeong Su Han of MarkAny, CEO Ki Yoong Hong of SECUVE, and CEO Chan Am Park of Stealien also joined them.

From the University, President Dong Yeon Kim, Executive Vice President for Industry-Academia Cooperation Kyung Hee Choi, Dean Jung Yol Jo of the College of Information Technology, and other senior officials participated in the event.

The Cyber Security Multiplex Center is a laboratory for the Department of Cyber Security and has state-of-the-art information protection equipment. The Center has security and control systems in which they can conduct exercises for dealing with cyber threats and crisis management, and it allows for carrying out protection against hacking and virtual hacking drills, and analysis of infringed information, etc.

The 'Information Protection Specialty Universities’ Project is run by the Ministry of Science, ICT, and Future Planning and the Korea Internet & Security Agency, and it aims to foster talents in the field of information protection. Ajou University, Korea University, and Seoul Women’s University are participating in the Project.

President Kim said in his welcome message, "As cyber security is becoming more and more important, people with expertise in the field are in great demand," adding, "Ajou will make every effort to foster talents with hands-on experience in the area."

In his congratulatory speech, Second Vice Minister Jae Yoo Choi from the Ministry of Science, ICT, and Future Planning said, "Cyber threats have become so intelligent and sophisticated that they are posing a threat to national security," adding, "I expect Ajou University to play a central role in training excellent talents in security."